
Mop, mop, mop, all day long....

So I test drove my mop tonight. No, not a kitchen mop, but a barbeque mop. I have been using basting brushes on the grill for years, but I was getting tired of having the little bristles fall off onto my food while I was grilling. So I went to several local outdoor and kitchen stores. Nothing. So last Sunday I went on a coast trip with my new/old friend, and while I was hanging out on the coast, we swung into the outlet mall. I had been whining about getting a mop, so being that my friend suggested that I check one of the kitchen stores at the outlet mall. Well sure enough, I got my mop and was all happy. I was looking for an excuse to use said mop, but the weather has sucked spokes lately, and I haven't been able to grill out.

Well tonight was the night. I made cayenne chicken with a mango salsa, it was awesome. I also made a tequila lime sauce that was really good, and I was going to mop it onto the chicken. Sure enough, the coverage of the mop was fantastic. The only problem, was that when a bunch of the sauce ran into the coals, it made steam. Steam filled with cayenne pepper, better known as mace. It burned, but I got through it, and as a whole have decided that never again will I use a basting brush on the grill. So if any of my four readers are sitting on the fence about their grilling basting techniques, I suggest using a mop.

Also, when I was looking for random pictures for my blog posting, I found this and this.


At 5/22/2005 10:28 PM, Blogger Christi said...

First I need a BBQ...then I can worry about the accessories to go with it.

But congrats on your find!

At 5/23/2005 11:16 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

i love the "this" and "this" pics. hee hee.

At 5/23/2005 11:18 AM, Blogger tabitha jane said...

isn't happy trees man named bob something??

At 5/23/2005 11:57 AM, Blogger everyday.wonder said...

Oh man, I laughed out loud with your homemade self-macing kit... That was priceless. I can see it now, a sort of BBQ re-enactment of the whole Christmas tree/bird bomb incident...

At 5/23/2005 10:31 PM, Blogger Gunslinger said...

The happy tree guy is named Bob Ross, and his show was called "The Joy Of Painting.

At 5/25/2005 3:17 PM, Blogger Tim said...

May he rest in peace.

At 5/25/2005 11:08 PM, Blogger Mike Lewis said...

I like the kid running from the car...he looks so happy.


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