
Not quite foxholes yet

Please don't be mad. I am finishing writing it on Word now, and it honestly should be up this week. I had the same problem Steve did, and lost my entire story to the crappy bloggermonster.

SO I was reading Ted's posting about the stank foot contest, and was reminded of an equally putrid concept of a contest. The Gallon Challenge. By the way, Matt swears he would have no problem doing this.


At 4/05/2005 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And here I was, wondering what we would do for Summit this Wednesday.

At 4/06/2005 9:56 PM, Blogger everyday.wonder said...

Hehehe, you gotta love lactatious projectile vomiting from ten feet up in a tree. Truly a one-of-a-kind site. Dwayne, I'm buying the milk just to see if you have the iron stomach...

At 4/07/2005 3:24 PM, Blogger Jake Shore said...

The gallond challenge is a myth. I am utterly convinced this can be done. I have actually invested some time into a scientific method that can be safely applied to de-bunk this so-called "physically impossible" feat. I'm just spitballing here, but maybe, just maybe it would be easier to put down a gallon of milk if you weren't drunk first, or surrounded by drunk frat boys intent on getting you to puke.

At 4/21/2005 10:12 PM, Blogger Christi said...

Enough with this gallon schmallon stuff...put Foxholes up! Your crowd is starting to lose interest! Hahaha.


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