
Thinking about more movies.

I am thinking already about another movie night. I could do this tomorrow night. (I would probably go a little easier on the coke, and have a salad instead of pizza) There are several directions that I could take it. The western theme could be done, but what to do? We could watch a couple of spaghetti westerns, and I could make spaghetti. We could watch non-spaghetti westerns, and I could make cornbread and chili. I am thinking maybe a dark western theme, specifically Unforgiven, and Open Range. Even though I cannot stand Costner, I really liked this film. I could get with Ted, and borrow his Kirosawa collection, and we could do a samurai night. I could make sushi (at least California rolls) and we could drink Sake. Well, maybe not Sake, but I can cook some good Asian food. Then again, if I could get everyone to sit through it, I would show what is quite possibly my favorite film of all time. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World. This movie is hilarious. It contains genuinely funny people doing hilarious things. The problem, is that it is massively long, and I think it would lose the interest of some people by the time intermission rolls around. We could also do major film classics, such as Casablanca, Only Angels Have Wings, To have and Have Not, or North By Northwest. Of course, you can catch North By Northwest in February at the Wednesday Evening Film Series. I will certainly be going. Now that I look at the lineup for Series 2, I think I might just try to catch every single film on the list. But back to the movie night. I suppose we could always watch some really bad movies that we could just sit around and make fun of. I am not going to even name them, let alone link them, If anyone has any input about some titles that I could be missing, or ideas, please let me know. It was painfully obvious, that I need an actual theater in my home.


At 1/17/2005 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After I thought about how much food we consumed at the last movie night, the word "carnage" came to mind. Maybe a carnage theme....yeah, bad idea. Since we're talking theme nights, I'm casting my vote for a "rip on other movies" night. Good laughs go a long way.

At 1/17/2005 9:51 PM, Blogger everyday.wonder said...

Yeah, after that last session, I'm with Dwayne on the rip 'em theme. I'd love to watch Mortal Kombat again. Or even guy-style comedy like Mystery Men.


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